Introducing COVBot-19 v1.0
COVID-19 has impacted the lives of every individual on this planet. This is a natural human tendency to do something about it. Some draw paintings to spread awareness, some actively support in helping others. Special shoutout to the Frontline fighters who are actually taking care of the sick and others who are helping the healthy population stay healthy and fit.
Thus, being a developer myself, thought of why not I do something about it. Thus this bot.
Follow Bot:
A twitter bot programmed to send out tweets daily about the latest coronavirus updates for each state in India.
Data is gathered from site.
Tweets are scheduled to be posted at 12:00 noon with a 2-minute interval between each tweet. The tweets will be posted per stage alphabetically.
The backend of this bot is written in plain PHP, temporary tweet data is stored in Sqlite3.
Personal Note:
This is a hobby project which is still in its development phase. COVBot-19 doesn’t recommend any assumption to be made based on the data provided by COVBot-19. Please refer the original MOHFW site for any data accuracies.
Purpose of this bot is to give users an information about the daily changes in cases of COVID-19 in all states of India.
Please feel free to DM or tweet me @JayKandari
Open to all the suggestion and reviews. :)
Thanks !!